
The best religion is the one that gets you closest to God, It is the one that makes you a better person. What is it that make you a better person? whatever makes you more compassionate, more sensible, more detached, more loving, more humanitarian, more responsible, more ethical. The religion that will do that for you is the best religion for you.What is really important is your behaviour in front of your peers, family, work, community and in front of the world. Remember, the universe is he echo of our actions and our thoughts. The law of action and reaction is not exclusively for physics. It is also of human relations. If we act with goodness, we will receive goodness. If we act with evil, we will get evil. Being happy is not a matter of your destiny. It is a matter of options.
Take care of your Thoughts because they become Words
Take care of your Words because they will become Actions
Take care of your Actions because they will become Habits
Take care of your Habits because they will form your Character
Take care of your Character because it will form your Destiny
and your Destiny will be your Life
and there is no religion higher than the Truth

taken from a brief dialogue between a Brazilian theologist Leonardo Boff and the Dalai Lama.


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